A Tribute Film is a short documentary video (usually between 4-12 minutes long) that uses stills, video footage, music, and possibly an interview or audio voice-over to tell the life story of the person depicted in the film.
The most common form of a Tribute Film is a Celebration of Life video played at funerals and memorial services. Most of the time they are just slideshows of pictures set to a song put together by a family member or the funeral home.
This is where Blue Ridge Stories comes in.
A Legacy Film is generally a longer documentary video (from 10 minutes onwards) that uses stills, video footage, music, and filmed interviews to tell the life story of a person. Legacy Films are much more in-depth portraits of someone’s life and take longer to make versus a Tribute Film.
Usually the subject of the film is alive and wants to convey various stories, memories, and wisdom for family and friends as a generational keepsake.
Ever wanted to hear in-depth about a family member’s (or friend’s) most meaningful life experiences, favorite stories, and the lessons they’ve learned?
A Legacy Podcast is a wonderful option to experience a much more extensive (and more affordable) portrait of a person in your life than a Legacy Film.
A Legacy Podcast is an audio-only portrait where the subject is interviewed in person by Blue Ridge Stories.
Blue Ridge Stories is an award winning film production company located in Central VA but working with clients remotely all over the country.
With over 22 years of experience producing documentaries, editing on major studio films, and creating branded content for a variety of different companies and non-profits, filmmaker Jon Fletcher started Blue Ridge Stories to focus on creating personal tribute and legacy films for families to honor their loved ones.